Sunday, October 19, 2008

Kenari Putih

Dah setahun berlalu cite tentang kete aku yang sebuah nie?! Kejadian ni berlaku di Keramat AU3, dekat jer ngan tempat kerja aku...waktu tu panik giler...mengelabah benor, sorang diri pulak tu, tak tahu nak buat apa, nak call sapa...pun dah tak tahu. Tapi the first person that I called is my wife. Dia lagi tak tahu...??

Itulah bila kata Allah Maha kuasa...tiba2 ramai pulak penduduk kat situ datang menolong. Sesak area tu. Yg best nyer lebih ramai orang tolong aku, maklum lah orang tak bersalah kena langgar. - Ada yang datang check kete, check aku, check kalau2 ada budak dalam kete tu? Anyway thank a lots lah pada mereka2 yang dah menolong tu.

Sekarang ni,

Kete aku dah tak best macam dulu lagi...bising sikit tapi TAK pernah meragam. Kiranya plus minus la nie. Kadang2 sayang, kadang2 rasa macam nak jual! ADA SAPA NAK BELI? Harga boleh runding...Korang jangan risau engine is still in good condition, memang tak buat hal sebab maintain service on time without fail.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

About People

Don't focus on physical appearance, you can meet a wonderful new friend or loved one who doesn't look like most people on TV and don't go by what others think. You can find true happiness with anyone if you really try. bragging to friends isn't as fulfilling as being in true love.


Ingat kerja monitor orang nie senang...!? Silap2 kita pula yang dimonitorkan...

Tahun nie dah masuk tahun ke5, I worked as a Supervisor. Ada yang manis dan banyaknya kenangan pahit. So far boleh handle lagi la even perangai orang2 nie BUKAN macam orang pun!? Tapi yang baik tu pun ramai...seronok dapat anak buah yg ok, supportive, ringan tulang & understanding. Yg jenis mcm ni memang alhamdullillah senang byk, kerja pun tak letih sgt. Iye..lah bukan senang apa yang kita hendak tu dapat...kan

The most important thing is every month - salary mesti masuk. $$Work For Money$$ As a supervisor nie biarlah kerja supaya org suka kat aku. Klu orang tak suka aku nanti review rendah lah pula. Kerja Texas nie pelik sikit kalau PO tak suka adalah yang mana2 nak kena potong that I have change my character to be good, understanding, etc BUT ada yang pihak kepala tu memang ke SEMBUR juga lah...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Italian Horoscope

I just share this horoscope ngan you'll friends out there. Try ler ok gak

Your date describes you! Dear friends. Below, is an Italian horoscope and you can find a lot about yourself just bysearching your own identity in theItalian way. What you have to do is to find your group with the help of your date of birth.
Date of Birth Group
02,07,12,17,22,27 B2
03,08,13,18,23,28 C3
04,09,14,19,24,29 D4
05,10,15,20,25,30 E5

Group A1 You consider love as the most beautiful thing and you love to fall in love, but a number of your group members think that the person they love is not sincere with them. You love to be with your friends and you are always found to be a dutiful friend. You can hardly control your patients, which is a very big drawback of your nature. The Person who is ruling your mind & heart these days is perfect for you.

Group B2 Your dreams and ambitions are much important for you and you can do everything to fulfill your dreams. Love is much valuable in your life but you always search for someone perfect. You hardly trust someone. Your friends are really important for you but normally you hide a lot from them. You are a deep thinker you always study the negative view as well as positive. You can lead a happy life with a person for whom you care a lot these days.

Group C3 You always prefer mantel decisions more then emotional ones due to this you don't have a limited number of friends. You consider life a very beautiful gift and you love to enjoy its colors. There are a number of peoples who are your ideals and you loved to spend a big part of your time with them. You are found to be a very sincere lover.. You have a perfect control on your emotions but sometimes your decisions really effect your beloveds. The person who has just appeared in your mind and you has decided to forward this mail especially to him/her is your real and special friend.

Group D4 Your always have goals to achieve and you can do everything to fulfill the dreams of those who loves you. You have a sketch of an ideal in your mind and you always search for that personality. Your friends means a lot to you and you can do everything for the sake of your friend, you a normally found to be an emotional personality. You have a very less control on your patients and due to this sometimes you over react. The one who sent you this mail & the one to whom you will send this mail first are your real friends.

Group E5 You are found to be a person who loves to love. You prefer emotional decision more then mantel decisions. You consider life just to enjoy; you are the one who is perfect to call FLURTIES. You love to increase the list of your friends and beloved s. You have a number of dreams but you never work hard to make your dreams come true which is the biggest drawback in your nature you take everything much lightly.

Happy Birthday

9th Oct is my wife's birthday...

Happy Birthday Baby...gebu...abg. Today I tengok my wife happy giler and enjoy dengan satu penhijrahannya kali nie. Apa tu? Start from today, Erna start pakai tudung untuk dirinya. Syukur sebab kesedarannya datang awal yang mana berubah diusia muda [tak leh nak seksiss dah...]. Walaupun hari nie hari pertama dia pakai tudung tapi tak lah nampak kekok & janggal sbb my wife dah buat preparation earlier to become muslimah. Alhamdulillah.

By the way, I have been giving her present earlier (Raya ke-3 hari tu). I bought her SKII essensce which is I know she really likes that product. Dah lama dah erna survey nak beli SKII nie tapi tertahan2 sebab faktor harga.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lepas Raya

Lama rasanya tak update apa2. Tahun nie raya best sikit sebab aku & family buat open house pd raya ke-3. This time memang aku yang plan nak buat open house, so alhamdullilah menJADI la pula. Sebelum nie tak invite pun, sapa nak dtg...dtg lah...tapi best aku mesti kena datang, kalau tak declare WAR...

Sebelah wife aku pula, kami buat session fotografi...semua sepakat pakai warna kuning...nasib baik dalam gambar menjadi...berseri dan fresh. Aku suka time nie sebab 1 family support during this session...happy! Lepas aku kahwin nie rasa macam hubungan kekeluargaan tu lebih rapat, lebih mengenali satu sama lain dan terbentuk sikit sikap tolak ansur tu. Masa nujang dulu, uikut kepala sendiri je...